
The Yorke Peninsula

Commonly known as the "Leg" upon which South Australia stands, the Yorke Peninsula's geographical situation has allowed it to become one of South Australia's premier tourist destinations, as well as being highly regarded for its agriculture and aquacultural industries.

It encompasses the historic mining towns of Moonta, Kadina and Wallaroo (which biennially host the world's largest Cornish Festival, 'The Kernewek Lowender'), Innes National Park, and boasts the magnificent coastlines that have become the retreat for many fishing and water sport enthusiasts. The popularity of the Yorke Peninsula in recent years has resulted in a boom in real estate for both holiday dwellings and permanent housing.

Reputed for growing the world's best malting barley, the Yorke Peninsula's production of wheat, peas, barley, canola and lentils, along with sheep, cattle and pigs, make it one of the most productive and lucrative agricultural regions in Australia.

The Yorke Peninsula Country Times

The Yorke Peninsula Country Times was established in 1865. Its most northerly point of distribution is Port Broughton, and reaches as far South as Stenhouse Bay, encompassing the entire Yorke Peninsula.

Committed to the function of serving a cross section of people and businesses in the community, the newspaper fills its pages with local news, photographs, current local events, community achievements/events and local sports results.

The paper also carries a real estate section 'Peninsula Properties', 'Community Calendar', 'Peninsula Farming' and 'Peninsula Sport'. Two biennial supplements are produced, one for the Kernewek Lowender (May 2023) and the other for Australia's oldest Agricultural Field Days, the Yorke Peninsula Field Days at Paskeville (September 2023).


Tuesdays (Wednesdays after a South Australian long weekend)

Cover price

$3.00 (GST inc.) from December 5, 2023

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Michael Ellis
Contact email: ypct@ypct.com.au


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Contact email: production@ypct.com.au

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