
Advertise with us

Advertising Deadlines (print only)

Action Ads and Personal Notices                             Tues 10am
Classified Notices (Sits Vac, Local Govt. etc.)         Mon noon
Community Calendar                                                 Mon 5pm
Farming Extra/Real Estate                                         Fri 5pm
Large Display                                                              Fri 5pm
Colour Advertising                                                     Thurs 5pm
Advert Photo and Story Package                              Wed 5pm

Advertising Rates (print only)

July 2024 to June 2025 advertising rates are as follows (GST Inclusive)

Casual rate: $106 colour module (mono pricing on request)

Contract rates: Contract Rates are based on 12 months modular usage - July-June

Advert, story and photo package: Opening a new business - or do you have something special to promote?
Place a T42 advert and receive a FREE story and photograph to appear on the same page. From $848 Colour (inc. 10% GST)

Preferred position adverts: Preferred Position adverts carry a loading fee, which is determined by the position desired. Specific inside pages (ie. page 3, 5, 7, 9) carry a loading fee of an extra 20% on the usual cost of the advert.

Action Adverts deadline: Tuesday 10am

Cost: $15.50 for first 16 words; $2 for every 4 words thereafter.
Lodgement: Phone 8821 1155; email ypct@ypct.com.au or visit our office at 31 Goyder Street, Kadina, SA.
Payment: Cash, credit card, cheque or electronically (contact us for bank details).

Personal Notices deadline: Tuesday 10am

Cost: $15.50 for first 16 words; $2 for every 4 words thereafter.
Lodgement: Email ypct@ypct.com.au or visit our office at 31 Goyder Street, Kadina, SA.
Note: All personal notices require signatures and contact details, therefore will not be taken over the phone.
Payment: Cash, credit card, cheque or electronically (contact us for bank details).


** Standard rate 16.5c inc. GST **

The Yorke Peninsula Country Times is always pleased to insert catalogues, flyers and other advertising and promotional material. Why not have your inserts arranged and printed by Country Times Print?* We have the experience and knowledge to produce quality work. 

Insert conditions:

  • Inserts must be folded to smaller than 36cm deep x 24cm, if not an additional folding charge will apply
  • If the insert exceeds 20 pages a $185 per thousand surcharge will apply
  • If another catalogue or flyer is placed within a catalogue the insert rate will be charged at 20 cents per insert

*Country Times Print require a minimum of 10 working days to complete jobs - from date of submittance.

Feature Advertising

The Yorke Peninsula Country Times has the expertise to produce successful features. Our advertising and editorial teams specialise in putting together appealing, topical features with a balance of effective adverts, interesting stories and relevant pictures.

We publish general interest features (eg. motoring, finance, sports, home, weddings) as well as special features for one client, supported by advertising from suppliers and associates (eg. a business opening, anniversary, product launch, renovations, relocations, etc.).

Such promotions make for interesting reading and enable our valued clients and small business people to specialise their advertising for greater impact.

We also publish weekly features, appearing in sequence each month. Once again they create interesting reading and greater advertising impact for participating clients as the feature topics (ie. gardening, trades, fashion) are designed to suit their goods and services.


Speak to one of our friendly advertising consultants to help you promote your business the best you can!

Contact Bernice Williams, Sheila Cranwell, Matt Carty or Jasmine White on (08) 8821 1155.