
Action ads

Here's how you can make use of the free action advert offer!

  • Items must be priced LESS THAN $100
  • Advert to be no more than 16 words
  • Only one item per advert
  • Maximum of two free adverts per customer, per week
  • Price to be stated in advert
  • Private sales only - no businesses, including home-based businesses or farms
  • Animal breeders, natural products, plants, firewood, garage sales, rentals, etc. are not included
  • Any advertisement may be excluded at the discretion of management
  • Advert will be run for two weeks unless YPCT is notified otherwise

Or if your item is OVER $100 make use of our two action ads for the price of one deal

  • For items OVER $100
  • We will run the advert for two weeks, for the price of one.
  • Prices start at $15.50 for 16 words.
  • You can add a photo ($11), eye catcher ($8.70) or reverse block heading ($17.40).
  • Private sales only
  • No businesses, including home based businesses
  • First advert has to be paid for prior to publication
  • Any advertisement may be excluded at the discretion of management
  • Advert will run for two weeks unless YPCT is notified otherwise

So call us today on 8821 1155 or simply email your advert to ypct@ypct.com.au