
Welcome again to the column with all the hot tips, ideas and recipes for fishing around Yorke Peninsula; contact Greg by email at greg@gregjamesfishing.com.au

Recipe, smoked fish and avocado pizza: Ingredients — 1 pizza base, smoked fish, 1 sliced avocado, 40g cream cheese (light), 15ml mayo, chopped chives, 1 sliced red onion, honey and lemon juice, seasoning. Preparation — Bake pizza base at 175 degrees Celsius for 6-8mins. Mix mayo, cream cheese, honey, chives in bowl and spread evenly on crust. Add fish and avo and season to taste.

Wallaroo: Those 20 knot plus onshore winds hung around for much of last week, making for choppy seas and interrupted fishing. Local grounds have garfish, squid and a few blue crabs for boat crews with blue crabs and overnight tommy ruffs (Australian herring) at the jetty.

Moonta Bay/Port Hughes: Squid are still at the jetty and some nice specimens were caught on Sunday as the winds dropped and local conditions became calm at times. Gar, blue crabs and big snook are being caught by boat crews when they manage a run out to Steamer channel and down to Cape Elizabeth.

Point Turton: The boat ramp is scheduled to be closed on Feb 26 for local maintenance. The jetty has small gar and the very odd squid, while local beaches are worth a try for high tide mullet and even a yellowfin whiting. Boat crews caught whiting from The Banks and garfish up at Port Rickaby.

Marion/Stenhouse Bays: Big snook and nice squid are at both jetties. Boat crews are battling persistent onshore winds for King George whiting, flathead, squid and snook. Local shore-based fishing has mullet and a few salmon trout from Hillock’s Beach and Mozzie Flat.

Edithburgh/Stansbury: These jetties are worth a try for late afternoon blue crabs and tommy ruffs. Boat crews are catching blueys in the broken grounds north and east of Stansbury oyster leases, The Hut and Klein’s Point. KG whiting are in the deep water off Troubridge Light if weather permits.

Ardrossan: Salmon trout have started their annual run along this part of the coast, maybe one kilometre or so offshore, running north along the western side of the gulf. Blueys, squid and garfish are at several local drops and the jetty has blueys and squid.

Tight lines and see you next week!