Kadina Memorial student is awarded major history prize

KADINA Memorial’s Charlee Hunter is the runner-up for South Australia in national history competition, the Simpson Prize.
The competition, for years 9 and 10 students, encourages participants to explore what the Anzac spirit means to Australia.
Charlee has won a study tour to Canberra with other award recipients from across Australia, who were selected from 474 entries.
Students had to write essays or prepare an audiovisual presentation on the question “To what extent have the Gallipoli campaign and the Western Front overshadowed other significant aspects of Australians’ experience of the First World War?”
The Simpson Prize advisory committee is considering the timing, location, and format of ceremonies at which winners and runners-up from each state and territory will be recognised for their achievements.
The Australian Govern­ment has supported the History Teachers’ Association of Australia to organise the running of the Simpson Prize since 1998.

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