GOOD COMPANY... Volunteers are needed to visit lonely and isolated older people throughout Yorke Peninsula.
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AS LONELINESS becomes a more recognised health concern, local initiatives such as Care in Motion’s Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme are helping to combat isolation in our community.
Volunteers are being sought in towns across Yorke Peninsula, including Port Broughton, Wallaroo, Kadina, Moonta, Stansbury, Ardrossan, and Minlaton, to provide companionship and support to older people by sparing an hour or more per fortnight.
Funded by the Australian Government, the ACVVS provides companionship for older people by matching them with a volunteer who visits regularly and becomes a friend.
Care in Motion ACVVS coordinator Sal Allen says the visits play a crucial role in improving the quality of life for older people.
“Becoming an aged-care volunteer visitor can be a rewarding and life-changing experience,” she says.
“You will make a friend, share stories, and help someone who might be feeling isolated or lonely.”
The scheme is designed to match volunteers with elderly individuals who experience social isolation.
During the visits a volunteer and their matched friend can engage in activities such as chatting over a cup of tea, taking a walk, or working on a joint hobby — whatever the two feel like doing together.
“The time of the visit can be arranged to suit both parties, while the only special skills required are empathy and listening,” Sal adds.
“It’s about building a connection, not about having previous experience.”
Sometimes, these visits lead to deeper connections.
“For example, we have a retired farmer visiting another retired farmer, and their conversations have a meaning that is not easily found,” Sal says.
“It’s a special bond that naturally forms when people share common experiences.”
In another heartwarming example, a recent volunteer visitor discovered that his new friend had once known his father, who had passed away years ago. The two are connecting over memories of the past.
Volunteers don’t need previous experience and training and support are provided.
For more information contact Care in Motion on 1300 132 932, email admin@careinmotion.org.au or visit careinmotion.org.au.